Test: Jane Iredale Naturally moist lipstick Susan | Forbrugerrådet Tænk
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Kemi test

Jane Iredale
Naturally moist lipstick Susan

Om produktet

Jane Iredale læbestiften er fri for en række problematiske kemikalier, men indeholder kemiske stoffer, der giver B-kolbe.

CI 77891 (Titanium dioxide) er vurderet ikke at være sikkert, når det anvendes som tilsætningsstof i mad og drikke. Læbeprodukter vil man uundgåeligt spise en del af ved brug, så af forsigtighedshensyn kan du vælge læbeprodukter uden titanium dioxide.

Kommentar fra Jane Iredale:

"Technically, E171 (titanium as a food additive) is no longer allowed in Europe. If you read the article published by the EU they don’t say that Titanium is “not safe”. They say that there was not conclusive evidence that Titanium Dioxide was unsafe, but they could not rule it out, so they couldn’t call it “safe” either, and therefore disallowed it.

They were testing ingestion of TiO2 at 1g/kg of body weight (so about 60-80g/day for an average person), and were not finding obvious signs of adverse effects. For comparison, a single use of Triple Luxe is ~0.03g applied, and the amount you will ‘inevitably eat’ is a smaller fraction of that. Even if the product were 100% TiO2, there is not a risk here.



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